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Parents responsibilities

  1. Parents are expected to give the management and the staff their whole hearted and willing co-operation in all matters pertaining to the education of their children.
    • Kindly abide by the judgment and decision of the management and the staff.
    • Lend your support in matters of discipline and see that your children observe school rules.
    • Supervise your children’s studies at home, send them to school regularly and help to maintain continuity in their school work.
  2. Parents are informed that occasional reports and recommendations from teachers are made in the school calendar. They are requested to sign them as proof that they have read.
  3. Parents are particularly expected to sign the terminal reports or any other similar documents when so required.
  4. Complaints, if any, should be made to the Principal and not to the class teacher.
  5. Students are not allowed to engage any of the staff members of the school for private tuition. If, as an exception, a particular student wants to engage any of the teachers of the school he or she should get explicit written permission from the Principal. Students who engage teachers of the school for private tuitions without the permission of the Principal are liable to disciplinary action even to the extent of expulsion from the school.
  6. In matters of evaluation and estimating examination answer papers, as well as decision with respect to promotion, the opinion of the Principal and the management is in best interest of your child. Therefore, kindly restrain from requesting for personal scrutiny of the answer paper and also for promotion against the better judgment of the authorities. Answer paper shall not be shown.
  7. Parents must understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that the management has a right to admit or retain pupils of their school.
  8. No pupil will be allowed to remain absent from games and physical activities without note down from a doctor which is to be renewed every two months.