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Course of Studies and Examination

  1. Course of studies includes subjects according to CBSE syllabus.
  2. No pupil is allowed to offer any subject which is not regularly taught in the school or provided for in this approved scheme of studies.
  3. When a pupil is admitted on a transfer certificate, he/she shall not be placed in any class higher than that for which the certificate shows him to be qualified nor will he/she be promoted before the end of the school year.
  4. Students absent from an examination for any reason will not be re-examined.
  5. Candidates who are detected in giving or obtaining or attempting to give or obtain unfair assistance, or who otherwise are detected in any dishonesty whatsoever will be expelled from the school.
  6. Absence from a subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination.
  7. If a child does not have 75% of the term days for the year he will not be considered for promotion.
  8. For promotion a student has to obtain clear pass in all subjects.
  9. All pupils from K.G. to class XII must secure 40% marks for a pass.
  10. Promotion refused will not be re-considered.
  11. A student who fails shall forfeit for the ensuing years any concession in the fees, and may even be advised to leave the school, particularly, if his conduct has not been satisfactory in the school.
  12. Deserving cases will be considered for fee concession and the sole criterion will be the economic condition of the parents concerned. All fee concessions will be withdrawn, if the pupils do not satisfy school authorities by regular attendance, good conduct and satisfactory progress in studies.


  • To inculcate moral values, we have Moral Science / Catechism periods, which is a part of our curriculum from Classes I to X every Friday. Class XI and XII students have Moral Instructions periods.
  • This includes various competitions – In-house i.e. Internal, Inter-House and Inter-School. Every year children participate and excel in National Cyber Olympiad, National Science Olympiad, International Maths Olympiad and International English Olympiad conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation and Informatics Olympiad by CBSE.